database - SQL and NoSQL which one is more suitable for this case and why? -

In my project:

  1. The data is not being modified ( Only queries.).
  2. It is going to be more than 1.000.000 examples of data.
  3. Query display is important.
  4. In the case of using SQL, it is going to be a table with 7 columns. There are various classification approaches used in the NSQL, which are given below with some examples:

  5. Columns: Accumulo, Cassandra, HBase
    Documents: ClusterPoint, CouchBab, CouchBase, MarkLogic, MangoDebby Key-Value: Dynamo, Foundation DB, Memkheddi, Radis, Reich, Faircom C-Treksee Graph: Algro, NEO 4J, Orient DB, ArtPro O person, Stardog Source:

First of all, what the database system actually creates a noticeable amount of performance difference to this case?

Thank you in advance

If this happens, can you please tell me which of my projects is SQL or noqual Is more suitable for?

I am currently enrolled in the project to set up a "standard" database with a huge amount of data. To see the performance of queries, we apply in SQL. This is done once we solve the problem of performance.

There are several reasons for this, but to name a few:

  1. Standard SQL is easily implemented and in many instances standard (current day) )

  2. If you know SQL, then implement faster, save time and get the project.

  3. Information about SQL implementation is available.

I can not answer about NoSQL but I hope someone can fill me in.


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