My android application is showing Incompatible for Android 4.4.4 Moto E In Play Store -

My Android app looks incompatible with Android 4.4.4 Moto E in the Google Play store,

I tried many ways, how do I solve this issue, can you please help me?

Thank you in advance

If you want to use Google-mops, then moto To support E, you can remove it,

  uses Android: glEsVersion = "0x00020000" Android: required = "true" /> ; Your  manifest  from file  

Moto E does not support OpenGL ES version 2. I think ... I had the same problem After deleting I started supporting the code.

Or the simple change android: essential = "wrong"

inconsistent issues

There may be issues depending on the app permissions , so you can use some permissions , which is the device assistant Not or is not available on that device

Assume that your app is endorsing tablets , then your app phone if you have PHONE permissions , then your app will have permissions , then your app for this type of tablet will be incompatible which contains phone is not a feature

Hope this information helps you in the future ..


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