c# - Showing a SelectedItem's Property -

So I have enabled a rightclick option for my DataGrid. I want to display the only chosen property but it is not behaving like what I would like it to display my name and additional.

  Public category Paymentinfo {public int PaymentNo {get; Set; } Public string date {get; Set; } Public Double Pay {get; Set; } Public Double Principle {get; Set; } Public Double Interest {get; Set; } Public Double Balance {Received; Set; }} Private Zero MenuItem_OnClick (Object Sender, RoutedEventArgs e) {MessageBox.Show (AmortGrid.SelectedItem.ToString ()); }  

I'm trying to apply it without using a View Module! If I place a breakpoint where the messagebox and the recipient place it on selected ITEM, then this property will display the payment. A date-payment-principle-interest-balance is the only value that needs payment.

Was hoping that it would be something like this

  MessageBox.Show (AmortGrid.SelectedItem.PaymentNo.ToString ());  

When you call ToString () So you get the class type name that you are looking for.

If this is the PaymentInfo , the type of cast selected item is the first:

  message box. Show (AmortGrid.SelectedItem PaymentInfo). no payment. Toastring ());  

FWIW, I used to reconsider ViewModel . If you get it from the code-back, then your code is easy to test.

You can see the selected item directly in ViewModel (which is probably called PaidInfo), and then anybody with casting Will not mess up.


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