Share embedded video on facebook with inline play -

I have a page that has an IFRAME to play the video. When someone shares a link to Facebook, I would like to play it inline on my wall.

I have tried many fasebags tags and nothing is working. When you share the link, you get the picture with the playback overlay, but when you click, nothing happens. When I right click on the image, it shows 'Movie not loaded ...'

This is my source:

   & Lt; Title & gt; Offer & lt; / Title & gt; & Lt; Meta name = "description" content = "photographed odd proposal. Weird! & Amp; nbsp; with some great animated typography, congratulations Adam Roselboom!" / & Gt; & Lt; Meta Property = "OG: Title" Content = "Proposal" /> & Lt; Meta Property = "OG: Type" content = "Article" /> & Lt; Meta Property = "ogg: url" content = "" /> & Lt; Meta Property = "OG: Image" content = "" /> & Lt; Meta Property = "OG: Details" content = "A mafograph wedding proposal. Very cool! & Amp; nbsp; With some great animated typography, Greetings Adam Roseweb!" / & Gt; & Lt; Meta Property = "Ogg: Video" content = "" /> & Lt; Meta Property = "OG: Video: Width" content = "700" /> & Lt; Meta Property = "OG: Video: Height" content = "3 9 4" /> & Lt; Meta property = "ogg: video: type" content = "app / x-shock-web-flash" /> & Lt; / Head & gt; & Lt; Body & gt; & Lt; P & gt; Propose a photograph wedding! Awesome & amp; Nbsp; Congratulations & lt; A href = "" rel = "author" & gt; Adam Roselboom & lt; / A & gt; & Lt; / P & gt; & Lt; Div class = "media_embed" & gt; & Lt; Iframe src = "//" frameborder = "0" width = "700" height = "3 9 4" & gt; & Lt; / Iframe & gt; & Lt; / Div & gt; & Lt; P & gt; & Nbsp; & Lt; / P & gt; & Lt; H4 & gt; Author Notes & lt; / H4 & gt; & Lt; P & gt; 6.21.14 I showed it to my girlfriend. She said yes. & Lt; / P & gt; & Lt; P & gt; Music: Developer & lt; / P & gt; & Lt; / Body & gt; & Lt; / Html & gt;  

URL is

Is it possible to share the above link, and is the video play inline? Or will the user need to share the actual video link?

detected that I need to specify Vimeo Flash URL first, like:

  & lt; Meta attribute = "and: video" content = "" /> & Lt; Meta property = "ogg: video: type" content = "app / x-shock-web-flash" /> & Lt; Meta Property = "OG: Video: Width" content = "700" /> & Lt; Meta Property = "OG: Video: Height" content = "3 9 4" /> & Lt; Meta Property = "Ogg: Video" content = "" /> & Lt; Meta Property = "OG: Video: Type" content = "Video / MP3" /> & Lt; Meta Property = "OG: Video: Width" content = "700" /> & Lt; Meta Property = "OG: Video: Height" content = "3 9 4" />  

Vimeo says that their Flash API dislikes, but it seems to work.


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