matlab - how to solve something associated with memory and speed of my computer? -

First of all, I have a special task that works at the cost of every possible combination of category, I already A program that my purpose is to do this code:

  clc one = clear the input ('please, select your array:') b = a (:). 'C' for length (b) d = 1: c if (d & lt; c) e {d} = nchoosek (b, d); End (m, 2)], 'post' (e), e, 'uniform output', 0); Uu = cell2mat (tt ([1: d-1])) suu = size (u) u (:, (suu (2)) + 1) = = sum (uu) ' 

But during the implementation of this program, I had to face a major problem:

  e {d} = nchoosek (b, d)  

The number of possible options and the number of selected options and ultimately failed to continue as a result of boundaries:

When b = nchoosek (n, k) Is larger than, nchoosek shows a warning that the result can not be accurate In case of the case, the result is only 15 digits for double-precise input or 8 digits for a single-precise input.

C = nosacec (v, k) Is only practical for circumstances where the length (V) is less than 15.

This is where my vector is consisted of hundreds of numbers, which I want to do on this process. If I run the program, then the matlab will take me out of memory error at a time Appropriate stays and takes time without the implementation of the program, then forced me to get out of the program. I searched for a solution through "out of memory" help but I failed to find any sort of solution, then I tried to use any other command which is

  Combnk (v, k)  

but takes time without the execution of the program, so please force me to get out of the program. Please, Executing a lot of processes I want to make a practical solution for If the solution depends on the capabilities of my computer, then tell me about computer specifications that easily performs this program, quickly and immediately note that my computer specification is: Win 7 64 bit 4GB RAM 2.3 CPU I3


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