jquery - display date in jqgrid with spring mvc -

I am using Spring MVC with the jquery grid. I have a date field in my line, in Jason I get a date as "Release Date": 1406399400000

But in the table "NaN / NaN / NaN "shows in my sister class I keep it as a Java date format. The grid configuration column model is as follows. ColModel: [{Name: 'name', label: 'product name', width: 300}, {name: 'releaseDate', label: release date ', format:' date ', Format options: {newformat:' m / d / y '}, width: 300}],

I am using jqgrid 4.6.

You can use the custom formatter for example which calls the formatter: " Date code with srcformat: "u" property in formatoptions . Format (value, options) (if the value of type === "number" and & quot; 100 billion billion) {return $ .fn.fmatter.call (this, "date", value / 1000, the option); } Other {return "& amp; nbsp;"; }}, Width: 300}

In the case of string input value, you can use parseInt . You probably have to provide the function and sorttype .


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