Store values in PHP -

I have an object on which there is a single comment and after that the object is sub -jected on which each comment on May be as it is today, I have comment on the whole object and a single variable to store a list for archiving comments for the object subject.

  public $ TestResultComments = array (); Public $ comment;  

Now I do not want to store plain text of only one comment but also to store the name of the person who wrote and timestamp. So instead of single variable $ comment , I now want to store three, what is the best way to store it, in the array or is there something similar, such as Haskell where there are tuples?

  $ comment = odbc_result ($ result, "comment"); $ UserName = odbc_result ($ result, "username"); $ TimeStamp = odbc_result ($ result, "timestamp"); $ TestResult-> Comment = $ comment; // I do this today, but I want to include $ username and timestamps here  

The second part is where I archive the subobjects for comments. ($ I = 1; $ i & lt; = $ no_results; $ i ++) for

{odbc_fetch_row ($ result, $ i); $ Type = trim (odbc_result ($ result, "result")); $ TestResult-> TestResultComments [$ type] = trim (odbc_result ($ result, "comment")); // Here I also want to store "comment", "username" and "timestamp" because they say in the database table and not only "comment" as I'm currently doing} < / Pre>

As you can see in the second example, I get an important value "result" to get the comment. Here I still want to get ("comment", "username", "timestamp") instead of a value.

Thanks in advance.

It seems that there is a good condition to use stdClass . stdClass allows you to dynamically declare fields for objects. key .


 As  results  says,  $ allValues ​​= array (); // Create value $ value = new stud class (); $ Value- & gt; Comment = $ comment; $ Value- & gt; User name = $ username; $ Value- & gt; Timestamp = $ timestamp; $ Allvalues ​​[$ result] = $ value;  

This gives you several values ​​from a $ result direct mapping in a clean and OP method, in the future, let's say that you have the $ result < / Code>, you can say ..

  $ value = $ allvalues ​​[$ result]; The echo "username is" $ Values-> User name; I really like using it because it makes your code super clean and OF syntax, for loose typed languages ​​like POP, readability is sometimes lost, so It is important that you keep such behavior in order to keep things easy to understand. 


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