ios - Couldn't Serialize NSData Objective C -

I can sort the following JSON data. I can not see anything wrong in it. ["Id": 2182, "title": "heaven on paradise", "content": "description", "post_date": "2014-07-28 09:29: 45 "," Post_modifaid ":" 2014-07-28 09:29:45 "," Abisi_fecrd ":" "," Abisi_reting ":" 0 "," Abisi_apekshit "" "" Abc_phone "" "" Abc_address " : "" "abc_address2": "" "abc_postcode": "" "abc_suburb": "" "abc_state": "NSW", "abc_website": "http: \ / \ /", "abc_email": "Pralead @ hotmail .com "," Abs_lt ":" - 1000 "," Abs_lon ":" 10000 "," Abs_clojd_tst "" "" Ys_ivent ":" "," From_ivent_det "" "" To_ivent_det "" "" Abs_lokeshn " "" "Abs_age" "" "Abs_cost" "" "Abs_prebuk" "" "Abs_prentaksompny": "", "Abs_changingfsltiy" "" "Abs_playri" "" "Abs_pramksesibiliti" "" "Abs_breasfeedingri" : "" "Abc_refreshments": "" "abc_inoutdoor": "" "abc_ "Feature_value": null, "feature_available": [], "Image1": "http: \ / \ localhost / wordpress / wp-admin": " Content \ upload / 2014 \ / 07 \ / img_0014.png "," Image2 ":" http: \ / \ / local host \ / wordpress \ wp-content \ / upload \ / 2014 \ / 07 \ img _0011.png "," Image 3 ":" http: \ / \ / local host \ / WordPress \ / wp-content \ / upload \ / 2014 \ / 07 \ /IMG_0009.png "," Monday_from_time ":" "" Monday_to_time ":" "" Tuesday_from_time ":" "" Tuesday_to_time ":" "" Wednesday_from_time ":" "" Wednesday_to_time ":" "" Thursday_from_time ":" "" Thursday_to_time ":" "" Friday_from_time ":" "," Shukrwar_tn_taim ":" "," Saturday_Drop S_taim ":" "," Sniwar_t_tait ":" "," Rviwar_prkash_taim ":" "," Rviwar_to_taim ":" "}]

The Siriyijh codes:

< Pre> NSArray * jsonArray = [NSJSONSerialization JSONObjectWithData: _downloadedData option: NSJSONReadingAllowFragments Error: & amp; Error];

_I downloaded the data I received from the JSON API. I can see the data coming through NSLOG. There are at least JSON problems in this question, the main one dictionary is "zero" for the value of the object. Formerly: "feature_name": empty.

Anisition value should be an object.

What is JSON in question in NSLog () of _downloadedData ?


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