Highcharts: Percentage stacking bar chart with overlayed line graph (secondary axis) -

I am trying to create a double axis highchart on an axis, I want a cent stacked bar chart, and on the second axis I A line chart should be, however I'm close to (I have a 'normal' stacked bar chart which is overlapped with the line chart), even after stacking the percentage as a 'percent' Not stack in the form Can

What do I have here:

  $ (function () {$ ('# container'). High Chart ({chart: {type: 'column', width : 550, height: {}: Title: {text: 'percent'}}, {min: 400}, Title: {text: 'title'}, xAxis: {categories: [1, 2, 3]}, yAxis : [[Min: 0, title: 0, Opposite: right, title: {text: 'Total Count', Style: {color: Highcharts.getOptions}. Colors [4]}}, Labels: {Style: {color : Highchart auction. Color [4]}},}], Tooltip: {pointFormat: '& lt; span style = "color: {series.color}" & gt; {series.name} & lt; / Span & gt;: & lt; b & gt; {point.y} & lt; / p & gt; ({Point.percentage: .0f}%) 
Shared: Correct} , Plot option: {column: {pointPadding: 0.2, borderWidth: 0, s Taking: 'percent'}}, series: [name: 'a', type: 'column', yAxis: 0, data: [5, 1, 2]}, {name: 'b', type: 'column' , YAxis: 0, data: [1, 1, 2, 3, 1]}, {name: 'D', type: 'column', yAxis: 0, data: [4, 3, 3]}, {name : 'Total number', type: 'line', yAxis: 1, // secondary axis (total of all in primary axis) data: [12, 8, 8]}]}); });


  1. to change percetage With the percentage required
  2. Set as false, align


will disable.


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