grid - Use gutter removed from a column into witdh of another column - Susy -

See below:

I can not add mattress to padding, Because I am using

My code is as follows:

  $ susy: (column: 12, gutter: 18/81, global-box size: border-box, debug: (image: Show,),); Container-selector-sample {@ included container (1170px); } .column-selector-sample {@include span (2); Include @ breakpoint (mobile) {@ built-in duration (12); }} .column-selector-sample {@include span (3); Include @ breakpoint (mobile) {@ built-in duration (12); }} .column-selector-sample {@include span (7); Include @ breakpoint (mobile) {@ built-in duration (12); } .column-selector-sample, .column-selector-sample {@include last; }  

There is a keyword for the farm! See. In this case, you want to use comprehensive :

  @include span (3 wide);  


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