android - Animate buttons to slide and change nicely -

I saw this design mockup and I think the flow of the button is magnificent. Any ideas on how to be done on Android? Or is it iOS specific? Or not at all? There is not much experience in Android design in front of me.

It is definitely possible that I want to see property animators for Android. You can go about on one side to animate the scene directly, so say that you have two buttons below as if you were in the posted link. When your activity or piece is made, initialize the button, but then set to view their visibility. INVISIBLE This way they will not be visible to the user and they will not be clickable.

Then you can animate the button using XML Animation. You will need to create an animation that will bring the button as they are coming. So in your project, create a folder animation under resources and then create a file called slide_up_animation. It should look like this: slide_up.xml

  & lt ;? Xml version = "1.0" encoding = "UTF-8"? & Gt; & Lt; Set xmlns: Android = "" Android: shareInterpolator = "@Android: Anime / Declarate_Inporator" & gt; & Lt; Android Translation: fromXDelta = "0%" Android: toXDelta = "0%" Android: fromYDelta = "100%" Android: toDDelta = "0%" Android: duration = "400" / & gt; & Lt; / Set & gt;  

Note that in your layout (use frame layout), your button should be placed on the bottom. It includes "Setup", "Extension" and "Next" button. You have to make them just invisible in the beginning, then the animation will start at 100% y place from the length of your thoughts, so it will be shown that they are sliding.

After clicking on the button you want to initialize the sliding on the left animation, just load the animation and start it while clicking the button. This animation will look something like this:


  & lt; Translation xmlns: android = "" Android: fromXDelta = "0% p" Android: toXDelta = "- 200% p" Android: duration = "500" / Gt;  

So in order to summarize your intensity, something like this will appear.

  public class animation activity expansion (private button nextButton; private Button Vistarbtn; Cancel Private button; personal animation slide, private animation slides left; public Crate zero (bundle saved Instensstet) {setContentView (R.layout.yourlayout); NextButton = (button) findViewById ( // ... you get the idea NextButton.setVisibility (see. INVISIBLE) // do this for all buttons // ... other code slideshow = animation high.load animation (Reference R. Anime Selidi_upi); SlideLeft = Animeshnulti. Loading animation (reference R. Anime Solid_ left); // slide button above Slaidbutnsap (); NextButtonksetOnClickListener (See New. OnClickListener () {public void onClick () {slideLeft ();}});} private void Slaidbutnsap () {if (Aglabtn! = null & amp; Vistarbtn! = nULL) {nextButton.clearAnimations (); detailButton.clearAnimations (); nextButton.startAnimation (slideUp); DetailButton.startAnimation (slideUp); nextButton.setVisibility (View.VISIBLE); detailButton.setVisibility (View.VISIBLE); }} Private Zero Slide Left (NextButton.clearAnimations (); DetailButton.clearAnimations (); NextButton.startAnimation (slideLeft); DetailButton.startAnimation (slideLeft); NextButton.setVisibility (View.INVISIBLE); DetailButton.setVisibility (View.INVISIBLE); CancelButton.startAnimation (slideLeft); CancelButton.setVisibility (View.INVISIBLE); }}  

It may not be elegant or beautiful, but I have used the same techniques in my app and it works very well and looks good for the user. It should not be a big demonstration issue, but I may be wrong. Hope they help.


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