SVG animation does not set attributes as expected -

I am trying to animate the change of the viewport of the SVG element. When a special ellipse is clicked in SVG the viewport changes, so that it is zoomed in on the oval. From my interpretation of the W3C Chetan specification, when Fill = "freeze" is used, the value will be left in the to attribute. However, when I use console.log ("After the animation:" + canvas.getAttribute ("viewbox"); the view box is similar to the first (the animation does zoom in). For additional information, & lt; Chetan & gt; is added when the oval is clicked on the code that the animation is & lt; Svg & gt; ;

var canvasassap = snap (canvas); Var animation = '& lt; Anamat ID = "Suspension" attribute name = "View box" start = "0s" Fear = "'+ + + duration + ms" = "0 1280 720" = "' + + + + + + + + + + + + Miniwai + '' + (max-minex) + '' + (max-minway) + '"fill =" freeze "/>; '; Var purse = snap. Pars (animation); Canvassnap.add (pars);

Am I not able to understand the specification well?

Two values ​​for the SVG attribute, base value which you get with Attribute or element.viewBox.baseVal And you can get through animated values, which you can get through element.viewBox.animVal.

If there is no element, the theme of SMIL animation is Animate == Basvel.

SMIL animation affects only animate and it is anemic which is used for rendering.


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