java - How to iterate a list of objects in jstl inside jsp -

I am trying to replicate the list of objects in my JSP using jstl. I want a dropdown with ultimate values ​​for each of the ultimate names.

jsp code:

  & lt; C: if test = "$ {fn: length (ListOfParams) gt}" & gt; & Lt; H2 & gt; Yo yo & lt; / H2 & gt; & Lt; C: forEach var = "param" item = "$ {listOfParams}" & gt; & Lt; H3 & gt; $ {Param.paramName} & lt; / H3 & gt; & Lt; Select name = "$ {param.paramName}" id = "$ {param.paramName}" square = "target"> & Lt; C: forEach var = "listOfParamValue" item = "$ {param.listOfParamValue}" & gt; & Lt; Options & gt; & Lt; C: out value = "$ {listOfParamValue}" /> & Lt; / Options & gt; & Lt; / C: foreach & gt; & Lt; / Select & gt; & Lt; / C: foreach & gt; & Lt; / C: If & gt;  

Administrator code:

  DTEJob dteJob2 = new DTEJob (); DteJob2.setParamName ("ABC"); DteJob2.addTolistOfParamValue ("VAL1"); DteJob2.addTolistOfParamValue ("val2"); DteJob2.setDefault (true); ParamList.add (dteJob2); Model.addAttribute ("listOfParams", paralysis);  


Yo Yo and 2 empty dropdowns.

Can someone help me, why am I unable to get values ​​in jstl? Any help would be appreciated because I am new to jsp and jstl.

My Bean class is:

  Private string is the name; Private listing & lt; String & gt; ListOfParamValue = New ArrayList & lt; String & gt; (); Public listing & lt; String & gt; GetListOfParamValue () {Return invoice value; } Public string getParamName () {return nickname; }    

to var = "param" > Var = "p" or param except for anything param is used to access the request parameter.

  & lt; C: forEach var = "p" items = "$ {listOfParams}" & gt;  

$ {param.paramName} means the request parameter in the form of Access paramName that is not there.

the ultimate: one request parameter name for the map

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