regex - Loggly. Using regexp for search -

I can not understand how to use regexp in logging. For example, log what I want to see using the expression / 24nonstop. + 7554 / . "" "" "", "Extra": "" "": "", "http:": {"SERVER": {"REQUEST_URI": "/ 24nonstop / Result? ACT = 1 & SERVICE_ID = 7554 & pay_ACCOUNT = maxudov% D0% 9C% D0% 90% D0% A0% D0% 9 A% D0% A3% D0% A1.777 and PAY_ID = BA56136B-93C8-4715- AA 5 F-5169 9305C6F2 and TRADE_POINT = 11057 and signature = A77D6B3B4CF84CA1B97C8FA5D9E7688D ", ...

But in this case, logging does not find anything.
If I use the / 24nonstop / then the logger finds the logs.

Am I searching properly? According to

Regular expression works only on single tokens when you go to full text search But a regex> can not do that which is divided into many tokens due to special characters or other rules, for example, this will not work because it is token, even if we avoid special characters:
/ http / 1 / 0 /

Unfortunately for anyone using "/" Rica is not looking for patterns, even though it saved him from "\".


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