objective c - Creating NSShadow makes an error -

I am making a white shadow in Objective-C and using the code

 < Code> NSShadow * MyShadow = [[NSShadow alloc] init]; [MyShadow Set Shadowdoor: [UIColor whiteColor]];  

And it works fine, but when I'm trying to minimize it

  NSShadow * myShadow = [[[nsahona alloc] init ] SetShadowColor: [UIColor whiteColor]]; I get an error message in introducing 'NSShadow * __ Strong' with an incompatible type 'zero' expression. "Anyone knows what's happening here?"  

What's happening, the compiler will be NSShadow * to zero Assigning.> (Return type of setShadowColor and that whole expression).

You have to use your two-line approach, which is to read and maintain it's easy / P>


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