image - Create custom content type and set up fields by module -

I am working on a custom module and I would like to define a custom node type with some fields such as image fields. I do not like to use the features this great module but I do not like to use it. My question is, where can I find some information about the special settings of the image area?

'Job_Post_image' = & gt; Array ('field_name' = & gt; 'Job_post_image', 'label' = & gt; $ t ('Image related to this job post.'), 'Type' = & gt; 'image', 'cardinality' = & Gt; -1, What are the more options? For example the file path, alt tag and etc.

I do not understand why you will not use the FEATURES module for this. Your use case is actually the reason that the module is present, however, if you do not want to use the module in production, To test the type and code, export it to be exported as a facility to see how all this is put together.

Programming an image field But there is a very broad form.


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