android - Build Robotium Test Project from command line -

I am looking for the Android Build system and want to take everything on the Jenkins server, I want to create projects on Jenkins and make the instrumentation The test has been successful in running the test (white box test) and now the integration is stuck in the test.

I followed an eclipse to create an Android test project and run the test successfully but let me command it Shall not be able to run so that I can test on Jenkins.

If I run the project on the first eclipse, and later I will be able to use the command:

ADB Shell AMS Tool- w com.example.uitests / Android.test.InstrumentationTestRunner

However, if only want to start everything from the command line. I do not know about making the project ... It seems that created by eclipse There is no build file ..

Do I need to use ant or gradeel? If so, what is the right way to do this?


To list all instrumentation information, call

ADB Shell Evening List Tool

I am able to find my test package:

instrumentation: com.example.uitests / android.test.InstrumentationTestRunner (target = com.exmaple. android)

but when running the first order, I

INSTRUMENTATION_STATUS: id = ActivityManagerService INSTRUMENTATION_STATUS: Equipment information unable to error =: Comp onentInfo {com.example.uitests / Android.test.InstrumentationTestRunnerpm} INSTRUMENTATION_STATUS_CODE: -1 android.util.AndroidException: INSTRUMENTATION_FAILED: / Android.test.InstrumentationTestRunnerpm on on on .am.Am.onRun (Am.javaaxy42) to (AMD.Java:802) AM.RunInstrument ( to ( on ( on (Native method) (RuntimeInit. Java: 235) text after dalvik.system.NativeStart.main (Native Method)

solution But now I add ant build.xml to this test project For the purpose, after updating the project, follow the

Android Update Project --name - target - path


Install the ant clean debug


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