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javascript - Render HTML after each iteration in loop -

I'm trying to gradually increase the font size of text on a web page. The code works in my place, although the new HTML / CSS does not render after every iteration of the loop and when all this is done, then display only the text of 100 px size. To see the text as if it is slowly zooming, I need to do this JavaScript is down because it is being used from a different file here is what I have ... < Pre> & lt; P class = "game-title" style = "font-size: 50px" & gt; Test & lt; / P & gt; Function sleep (milliseconds) {var start = new date (). GetTime (); For (var i = 0; i & lt; 1e7; i ++) {if ((new date). GetTime () - start) & gt; Milliseconds {break; CSS ('font-size', 'parseInt ($ (' game-title '). CSS (' font-size ')) + 1 + "pixels"); } While (parasont ($ ('# text'). Css ('font-size')) & lt; = 100) {sleep (1000); IncreaseSize (); Using CSS: Use of jQuery (sample):

java - Joda Time Interval Not returning what I expect -

मेरे पास निम्न प्रोग्राम है import java.util। *; Import java.text। *; आयात करें org.joda.time। *; सार्वजनिक श्रेणी के स्कोप कंट्रोल {सार्वजनिक स्थिर अंतराल मिलनसार () {दिनांक समय currDate = नया दिनांक समय (2008, 4, 4, 15, 30, 0, 0); दिनांक समय epochDate = नया दिनांकटाइम (2000, 1, 1, 12, 0, 0, 0); अंतराल अंतराल = नया अंतराल (युरोप डेट, करोडेट); वापसी अंतराल; } सार्वजनिक स्थिर शून्य मुख्य (स्ट्रिंग [] आर्ग्स) {डबल दिनबात = मिलते समय ()। ToDurationMillis () / 1000/60/60/24; StdOut.println (daysBtween); }} मुझे आउटपुट मिल रहा है: 3016.0 लेकिन जो मैं देख रहा हूं वह है: 3016.1458333333 मैं क्या कर रहा हूँ ? toDurationMillis एक लंबा लौटा देता है, और प्रत्येक प्रभाग को int के रूप में घोषित किया जाता है। जावा इस प्रकार इनट्स को लॉन्ग में परिवर्तित कर देगा और डिवीजन को लंबे समय तक लौटाना होगा। परिणाम को अंत में दोहरे रूप में परिवर्तित करना। डबल्स का उपयोग करके अभिव्यक्ति करने के लिए जावा को बताने के लिए, अभिव्यक्ति के किसी भी घटक को दोहरे रूप में घोषित करें। उदाहरण के लिए:

Creating a sparse matrix in Matlab with a specified number of independent Bernoulli +-1 nonzero entries -

How can we create matrix x, 1000 by 1000 in the matteback, which is sparse, say Are, 5% of independent Bernoulli + 1 nonzero entries? I.e. In such a matrix, rho = = X <_0 / 10 ^ 6 = 0.05. Choose 5% of irregular elements n = Numel (x); Ind = Randie (n, round (.05 * n), 1); Assign these elements with random variables x (ind) = binorend (1, .5, length), 1) * 2-1; Check for more information To prevent duplicate rand numbers, from the Statistics Toolbox, or randperm as mentioned in some, or something like this Ind = []; T = round (.05 * n); T1 = length (IND); While T1 & LT; T Ind (end + 1: t0) = rand (n, tt-1, 1); Ind = Unique (Ind); T1 = length (IND); End

Member with no value in F# -

After I am trying to convert F # to the following C # code: < Code> [StructLayout (LayoutKind.Sequential, charset = CharSet.Ansi)] Private class DOCINFOA {[MarshalAs (UnmanagedType.LPStr)] public string nomeDocumento; [Marshall (UnmanagedType.LPStr)] Public string arquivoSaida; [Marshall (UnmanagedType.LPStr)] Public String Tipodo; } I am doing the following: Named place printer module RawPrinterHelper = [& LT; StructLayout (LayoutKind.Sequential, charset = CharSet.Ansi) & gt;] Type DOCINFOA = [& LT; MarshalAs (UnmanagedType.LPStr) & gt;] Member this.nomeDocumento [& LT; MarshalAs (UnmanagedType.LPStr) & gt;] Member this.arquivoSaida [& LT; MarshalAs (UnmanagedType.LPStr) & gt;] Member This Tipoda [/ code> But I get: One type of definition is necessary for one or more members . Can I vacate these members? you val code> member : [& lt; StructLayout (LayoutKind.Sequential, charset = CharSet.Ansi) & gt;] Type DOC

sqlite3 - UPDATE a table from the SELECT of another one -

I have the first table article where some data is missing. In the table, articles_tmp I have a part of the missing data. So I want to update the articles. Where the path path is data in articles_tmp.path where the path is not zero . With SQLite , it does not work: update article SET path = (SELECT at.path FROM Articles_tmp as AS, WHERE at.article_id = and a.asp, the text is in the form and not on. It has been transmitted) where the path is null MS Access Along with, it works fine: Update Articles Join the Inner Articles at articles_tmp = SETP articles.path = articles_tmp.path Can anyone help? Sin CE SQL Server Syntax, which I provided, was not working, here this solution With whom I have come. A little modification of your original query, but with my "correlation" suggestion added. There is a SQL Bella for this: Here is the code: update article SET path = (SELECT path from articles_tmp AS T WHERE

pandas - Iterate on Groupby Object's fields -

I want to be able to iterate over a group object: grouped = Df Groupby ('zzz') question_list = [a, b, c] How do I get a list of values ​​for: grouped .grouped.b grouped.c but using a for-loop? You can either remove such a key print Df Groupby ('zzz'). Groups.keys () To capture the grouped. You can do this ... print df.groupby ('Zzz') group ['A'] or you can open the key, For this type of group key, in df.groupby group ('Zzz'): print key # group key Is a dataframe related to

c# - Showing a SelectedItem's Property -

So I have enabled a rightclick option for my DataGrid. I want to display the only chosen property but it is not behaving like what I would like it to display my name and additional. Public category Paymentinfo {public int PaymentNo {get; Set; } Public string date {get; Set; } Public Double Pay {get; Set; } Public Double Principle {get; Set; } Public Double Interest {get; Set; } Public Double Balance {Received; Set; }} Private Zero MenuItem_OnClick (Object Sender, RoutedEventArgs e) {MessageBox.Show (AmortGrid.SelectedItem.ToString ()); } I'm trying to apply it without using a View Module! If I place a breakpoint where the messagebox and the recipient place it on selected ITEM, then this property will display the payment. A date-payment-principle-interest-balance is the only value that needs payment. Was hoping that it would be something like this MessageBox.Show (AmortGrid.SelectedItem.PaymentNo.ToString ()); When you call ToString () So you get the class typ