sqlite3 - UPDATE a table from the SELECT of another one -

  • I have the first table article where some data is missing.
  • In the table, articles_tmp I have a part of the missing data.
  • So I want to update the articles. Where the path path is data in articles_tmp.path where the path is not zero .

With SQLite , it does not work:

update article SET path = (SELECT at.path FROM Articles_tmp as AS, WHERE at.article_id = a.id and a.asp, the text is in the form and not on. It has been transmitted) where the path is null

MS Access Along with, it works fine:

  Update Articles Join the Inner Articles at articles_tmp articles.id = articles_tmp.id SETP articles.path = articles_tmp.path  

Can anyone help?

Sin CE SQL Server Syntax, which I provided, was not working, here this solution With whom I have come. A little modification of your original query, but with my "correlation" suggestion added. There is a SQL Bella for this:

Here is the code:

  update article SET path = (SELECT path from articles_tmp AS T WHERE t.id = articles.id) Where the path is tap;  


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