rubygems - Weird error trying to install Ruby Gems Before I can Install Rails -

I am stuck trying to install the original Rabbi gems so that I can install it on my machine and install it. I have tried a few different things, so I am not sure that I have messed it up elsewhere and now the result is a bit displeasing. I have RVM installed and this path has been followed to get the gems:

RVM established with this command:

$ curl -sSL | Bash -s static

then it:

$ rvm is stable

then be sure to install the following From Homebrew:

$ Alcohol Exchanges, Libbylloule libxslt libksba openssl

Where all is established with my previous efforts.

Then I tried to show the RVM where the OpenSLL was located using this command and then when things went south (and since I had failed to establish the railways first, I knew it was a Gem issue was):

rvm install 2.0.0 - with-openssl-dir = $ HOME / .rvm / opt / openssl

I run the command in the Mac terminal: "gem list"

I take it back:

  & gt; Gem list & gt; / System / library / framework / ruby.framework / version-2.0 / url / lib / rbi-2.0.0 / rubiimies / config_file. Rb 31 9th & gt; 'Read': is a directory - /Users / Ariophenburg /.gemrc (Errno :: EISDIR) & gt; To & gt; / System / library / framework / ruby.framework / version-2.0 / url / lib / rbi-2.0.0 / rubiimies / config_file. Rb 31 9th & gt; & Gt; From `load_file '/ system / library / framework / ruby.framework / version-2.0 / usr / lib / ruby ​​/ 2.0.0 / rubygems / config_file.rb: 192: in & gt; & Gt; Start with '/ system / library / framworks / ruby.framework / version-2.0 / ur / lib / ruby-2.0.0 / rubygems / gem_runner.rb: 66: in & gt; & Gt; From 'new' / system / library / framworks / ruby.framework / version-2.0 / ur / lib / ruby-2.0.0 / rubygems / gem_runner.rb: 66: in & gt; 'Do_configuration' by & gt; / System / Library / Framework / Ruby. Framework / Version 2.0 / URR / Lib / Ruby-2.0.0 / RubiaGames / GM_Roner. RBIIn & gt; Runs from / usr / bin / gem: 21: `& lt; Main & gt;  

Which is not perfect as a result, I'm trying to figure out whether the gems are either wrong or where there is an error. I have got many errors in setting up the railroad and I know that I do not have Ruby and it is properly configured.

Thanks for all the help in advance!


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