java - error: cannot access Filter -

My error of my Spring-security-log-in-annotation project

I see that Macong Failed to execute target org.apache.maven.plugins from site

  [ERROR] to: Maven-compiler plugin: 2.3.2: Compilation at (default-collection) ) project spring-Security loginform- annotation: compilation failure: compilation failure: [error] \ projects \ SpringKT \ spring-security-custom loginform- annotations \ src \ main \ java \ com \ mkyong \ config \ [ 12, 7] Error: \ src \ main \ Java \ com \ mkyong \ config \ core \ filter [ERROR] can not use \ projects \ SpringKT \ spring-security-custom login form-annotation [5,7] error I can not use ServletException  

Here is my description of the project


  Lt; Spring.version & gt; 4.0.6.RELEASE & LT; /spring.version> & Lt; & gt; 3.2.3.RELEASE & LT; /> & Lt; Jstl.version & gt; 1.2 & LT; /jstl.version> & Lt; Javax.servlet.version & gt; 3.1.0 & LT; /javax.servlet.version>  

I run it like this: mvn clean package install jetty: run

but the error above

  @Configuration @EnableWebSecurity public square SecurityConfig extends WebSecurityConfigurerAdapter {// line 12 public square SpringSecurityInitializer AbstractSecurityWebApplicationInitializer extends {line 05 //  

This works, but POM has broken.

javax.servlet-api the scope has been written incorrectly the declaration of dependency on the provider where it should be (Maven You had a warning on this before your error).

No more webcamimm provided (what's right), but & lt; FailOnMissingWebXml & gt; False & lt; / FailOnMissingWebXml & gt; Nowhere in POM => Maven gave me an error when I first fixed the problem

I decided by adding a new & lt; Plugin & gt; Announcement in Plugins :

  & lt; Plugin and Gt; & Lt; Group & gt; Org.apache.maven.plugins & lt; / Group & gt; & Lt; ArtifactId & gt; Maven War Plugin & lt; / ArtifactId> & Lt; Version & gt; 2.3 & lt; / Edition & gt; & Lt; Configuration & gt; & Lt; FailOnMissingWebXml & gt; False & lt; / FailOnMissingWebXml & gt; & Lt; / Configuration & gt; & Lt; / Plugin & gt;  


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