sql server - sql case statement then insert into table -

I process looks like the code store:

  Use nisa1415; The process to change dep.AddLessons (@LessonsTable nvarchar (50), @LesDepId integer, @TeId integer, @GradeId varchar (10), @Activated integer, @GroupId integer, starting as @TaskTable nvarchar (50)) select @ LessonsTable = case @LessonsTable when 'dep.les_Biology' so dep.les_Biology (LesDepId, TeId, GradeId, active, group, TaskTable) values ​​(@ LesDepId, @ TeId, @ GradeId, @ active, @ Group @ TaskTable) finally return Insert in  

This gives me an error: 'Insert' to the wrong syntax is a problem that I could not find?

  process AddLessons changes (@LessonsTable nvarchar (50), @LesDepId integer, @TeId integer, @GradeId varchar (10), @Activated integer, @GroupId integer, @TaskTable nvarchar (50)) as if @LessonsTable = 'dep.les_Biology' dep.les_Biology (LesDepId, TeId, GradeId, active, group, TaskTable) values ​​(@ LesDepId, @ TeId, @ GradeId, start putting Active @ @ GroupI D @ Tasktebl) end back end  


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