java - Installing Solr on Server: Location? -

OK, I'm going to be accessible on a server after installing solar and accessible via Drupal. My question is the correct place of solar?

I know my Java works, is testing with java -version , I know that my tomcat works, test tomcat6 with service Begins: [tomcat6] Started [OK]

Note: However, through to http: 8080 (I left the port default) to tomcat Can not access

My current setup is as follows:

  / usr / bin / java (Java installation - via yum) / usr / share / tomcat6 (tomat Installation - via yum / Opt / solr (Solr instance installation - manually) / opt / share / home / website2 / public_html (just another site) / home / website3 / single site / home / website1 / public_html (bus One site - I want to use Solar here) / Home / Website 2 / Public_html (just another site)  

As stated, "Solr Multiple Search Index , or core , use a simple application of the solar application Haran. Each c ore is configured independently, and there is a single configuration file to define each core. "

Then say that my website 1 needs to reach its own core to the solar core ....

  / home / Website1 / (where should be my solar core) / home / website1 / public_heme tml (my website files - drupal install)  

... is correct? .. Or can I leave my solar and everything else can be installed in the Up root on my website?


  1. a curl localhost: 8080 If you see a tomcat response, then port 8080 may cause outbound traffic from the security group or your webserver. IPTBLES is blocked in
  2. If the curl fails in step 1, then Tomcat is not running at 8080, it is on another port. Please refer to this to find the correct port:

Yes, wherever you are Dealer can set up you have to run out that solar is how to set up, that Step 5: Create Solar reference files you specified in the document. Suppose that your solar is here: Suppose your multi-core name is Site 1, Site 2, Site 3, the Multicore structure will look like this:

/ Solr

/ solr / site1

/ solr / site2

/ solr / site3

Yes, With your config directory, such as solrconfig.xml, schema.xml, synonyms.txt etc ...

Now if your Tomet port is running on 8080, and assume that your IP 10.20 is. 30.40, you will be able to access the list of all the core here: / SOLR /


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