vba - FindFirst in opening Form -

I have an overview form (list with all numbers and titles) which has a search field Form opens an issue Each number has a special number, so it can be identified by this number.

Now I want to use this search function to get the detailed information (only one problem is shown in the detailed information form).

There is no problem opening the form but the findfirst command does not work. So it does not show the right point.

  Private Sub-SemiqumosechClick () 'Search Function - Check NMB and Optional NMB DIM Dat Searchmbel Long If Lang (NJ (Mettquamosearch)) and LT; & Gt; 0 then doCmd.OpenForm = DCount ("*", "tblNumber", "[NMB] =" and searchNMB & or [NMB optional] = "& findNMB) then searchNMB = MEETCQM "NMB linking form", AC vevonormal with m. Recorcit. Source = "SELECT * FROM TblNumber" .FindFirst ("[Nmb] =" & SearchNmb & OR [Nmb optional] = "& SearchNmb) & with MSBbox Finish ("this is not a problem yet.") End and end if  

End all


you record Using Objects Objects are engaging things. You only have to open the form with WHERE status.

  Private all CMDCoosearchClick () 'Search Function - Check NMB and Optional NMB Dime Finding Ammun Long If Lang (NJ (MetextQMHSH)) & lt; & Gt; 0 then doCmd.OpenForm = DCount ("*", "tblNumber", "[NMB] =" and searchNMB & or [NMB optional] = "& findNMB) then searchNMB = MEETCQM "NMB linking form", acetylene, where conection: = "[NMB] =" & SearchNmb & "or [NMB Optional] =" & SearchNmb Else MsgBox ("There is a problem with # Not ending. ") End if end stop  

Check out if you do not want to make all records available:


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