SapUI5 - Add own data to a Tile? -

I'm trying to create a sample application that will display data from a JSN file. For this, I want to use tiles to display each item in the Jason file. This is the following data in my JSN file:

  {"item": [{"id": "item1", "des": "all types of books!", "Content": "UK", "copy": "", "price": "flat 50:" These deals are too big to be public, save 50% or more in your hotel booking! True, "{ID}:" Item 2 "," DES ":" Branded! "," Content "is true," PIMNEY "recommended deals: incredible" "," unread ": true," important " "Id": "id": "item 3": false "id": "walts", "to": "", "value": "closed up to 50%!", "Unread" , "DES": "The most famous writer!", "Content": "Dear ui5consumption, you can get postings that match the agents you have configured.", "Pname": "Novels", "To "," Item1 "," des ":" "," price ":" flat 50% off! "," Unread ": true," important ": true}," "+++ Dual DDDs", "Content": "These deals are too big, save 50% or more in your hotel booking!", "PN": "CDS", "to:" ":" Item 1 "," Des ":" Pen / Notebook / "" "" "" "" "" "" ETC. "," Content ":" These deals are too large to be public, booking your hotel 50% or more is left! "," Pinnam ":" Stationery "," From ":" "" Price ":" Rs.05-5000 / - "," Unread ": Correct, "Important": true}, {"id": "item 1", "des": "all brands!", "Samg Mr. ":" These deals are too big to be public, 50% or more and save on your hotel booking! "," Pinnam ":" TV "," To ":" "," Price ":" Closed up to 50%! True, "important": true, "important": true}, "id": "item 1", "des": "fast food is available here!", "Content": "These deals are too large to be public There are 50% or more in your hotel booking! "," Pname ":" EATABLES "," to ":" "," Price ":" Rs. 10/500 / - "between", "unread": true, "important": true}]  


DES, PNA, etc.) I want to display the data in different tiles. How do I get it? Please help. I'm new to SapUI5.


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