ios - Scrolling a Tilemap in Sprite-Kit (JSTileMap glitch) -

Since JSTileMap Expands Escondition, you use the API to move and enlarge your tilemap like any other node. can do. However, I continue this strange effect / glitch ...


  _tiledMap = [JSTileMap mapNamed: @ "Cloud.tmx"]; If (_tillMap) {[auto addChild: _tiledMap]; } _tiledMap.position = CGPointMake (800, 0); SKAction * scrollLeft = [SKAction conduction: CGPointMake (600, 0) Duration: 4]; SKAction * scrollRight = [SKAction conduction: CGPointMake (700, 0) Duration: 4]; SKAction * sequence = [SKAction sequence: @ [scrollLeft, scrollRight]]; SKAction * Repeat = [Squection repeat acnection: sequence]; [Ditlide map run action: repeat];  


Enter image details here

Enter image details here

As you see Whenever the JSTileMap direction changes, depending on whether it's left or right, the image may be generated or something else, I can not explain it. It does not happen if the node itself is a SKSpriteNode I add numbers to the background image for the visual reference.


Further tests indicate that the position of the jestle map in the update loop runs manually (_tiredMap.position.x = x + 1) , It has only one effect. When it is animated, the image / tile crop occurs, and when it animates on the right it becomes normal

I got a job- Apparently the problem is around that the first tile column is being grown for some reason (tell me if someone tells me it) so the solution is to create a tilemap Which has more than 2 tile units in comparison to your original tilemap dimension. For example, if your tiles are set to 32x32 (1024x768 tile), then you should create a tilemap of 1088x768 and start drawing after the first column.

See the picture below.

Enter image details here


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